Sunday, January 31, 2016

I think I'll just spit this out right here!

Jack has started an awesome new phase of gargling his juice or water and then spitting it out where ever he stands.  It super awesome really!  He enjoys spitting into bowls that previously held a snack, a basket full of toys and most recently picking up the vent cover and and letting it flow right down into the vent! Absolutely amazing I tell you! I can't decide which is my favorite, but the basket of toys now sprayed down with sticky juice, and having to wipe down every single thing piece, one at a time, is a real joy! Truly time well spent since I have nothing better to do! I've been told horrific threes don't have anything on the terrible two's, and as we draw closer to three I am beginning to believe it!  Between toys hurling through the air within seconds of playing nicely to liquid spewing from this little man all over the floor, the trips to time out have become a regular destination.  My husband and I are at our wits end to say the least, but we push through with deep breathing techniques (haha ya right) and try to move on. I can't say this post will have any real useful advice, except try to remain calm.  Easier said then done of course, I have had plenty of moments where I lose my cool, but it's usually because I've just been smacked in the face with one of those toys that went flying through the air.  One thing I can say that works beautifully for the time out of a toddler is using that good ole pack-n-play. He never liked it in the first place, so it didn't get much use when he was an infant, but now it's getting some real miles on it.  Jack doesn't stay in a time out very well, as I am sure most 2 somethings don't, so this has been a real game changer for us.  As I try to remain consistent, you spit you sit!  I can honestly say I'm not sure time out makes any difference, as he continues to do whatever he feels like! The lack of impulse control is at an all time high! But again we just keep going, pushing forward, praying daily this phase ends soon!! Good times and wet rags cleaning up the messes till then!! 

A daily dose from a fellow Momma Warrior 