Thursday, March 17, 2016

Huge Accomplishments, Simple Tasks

Maybe it's the crappy card table, but whatever it is, 
Jack overcame his fear of the booster seat!!

Today Jack sat in his "big boy" booster seat at the table. Now that might make you think "ya so?" Sometimes, the smallest things that we often take for granted can actually be huge accomplishments for a child with autism. When I first bought this simple little booster to replace his high hair seat, it never ever occurred to me, in anyway that it would be a trigger. It's a seat not a wash cloth or other such torture device. The first day I put the booster on the chair and tried to get Jack to sit on it, a mind blowing meltdown insued. I didn't understand what the big deal was, it's a seat, what the hell just happened?  Although I will never understand the actual reason Jack did not want to sit in that seat, I do understand he did not like it. Over the next six months, I would occassionally bring it out to test the waters, and see if he was ready, and TODAY was the day!!! Jack sat in the booster like a Boss! I am so proud of my big guy for overcoming whatever it was that caused the initial anxiety, and he was so proud of himself, you could see his little face just beaming as he shouted "Big Boy Chair, Big Boy Chair". Good Job Baby, Good Job!!! 

Hugs from a fellow Momma Warrior
Em xoxo

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