Saturday, February 20, 2016

Medication...The struggle is over!

Since the beginning of Jackson's little life, we have struggled giving him medication. He is so sensitive to taste, that even the slightest hint of it and he's spitting it out. As an infant and even now at 2 1/2, if I manage to get it down him via syringe, with in a minute or less he's vomiting. It's a nightmare. This past weekend Jack had a fever and it was climbing rapidly, he refused to drink anything I gave him with Tylenol in it, coupled with increased heart rate and rapid breathing, needless to say we ended up in the emergency room. Once again, they wanted to give him oral Tylenol, after explaining to the nurse that, that was why we here in the first place, she suggested a suppository form of Tylenol. How did I not know about this? Even the woman at the pharmacy said she'd never heard of it before. And later this week it was discovered that Jack had an ear infection, the reason for the fever. So of course the doctor wanted to prescribe an antibiotic, twice a day for ten days. I almost started crying, I told her about our struggle. After two years and two pediatricians later, our current Doctor said "I could give him a shot, although I hate to interfere with the progress we have made when he comes here!"  Wait...What? There is a shot? All this time, all the screaming, kicking, spitting and tons of vomit later, there is a shot? After my irritation settled down, I could not believe I had not thought of it sooner. Of course we'll take the shot, one and done or ten days of hell...hmmm?  

Today on one of my support groups on Facebook, a mother posted about her struggle with medications and the horrific ordeal that comes with it, and it occurred to me, I am not alone. So I thought I would share this new found information that doctors have apparently failed to tell many of us. Whether your child is "normal" or autistic, the struggle is real for all parents, these two alternatives have been a life saver for us! 

Hugs from a fellow Momma Warrior

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