Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day One: Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy

Yesterday was Jack's first day of therapy. He will start out at three days a week for 3hrs/day. We call it school, but it's not even remotely like school. Jack has three wonderful young ladies who will be apart of his team. Today, we met Whitney and Andrea. I think Jack fell in love with Whitney right away, because after his 6 minute warm up period he gave her a hug, called her momma and asked her to go with him! I lingered for about 30 minutes to make sure he was adjusted, or should I say until I was adjusted! Then quietly slipped away and left my baby boy with complete strangers for the first time in his life. Then the strangest thing happened, I got in my car goggled the closest Starbucks and Target and was on my way! No sobbing, no heart strings being pulled, "that's weird" I thought, "Am I a bad mother because I am so OK with what just happened?" Nope, no I'm not, because I know he is in amazing hands and the therapy he is starting is going to bring great changes for Jack, and for my husband and I. He did great, and only had one melt down during a diaper change. When he came running out the door and saw me, his big smile melted my heart and of course the way he yells momma at first site of me and runs toward me, arms open ready for a hug is priceless. I asked him if he had fun and he replied "so fun"! So day one was a good day! I know the challenges of this transition are still in front of us, and this week is causal play and easy going so he can bond with his team, the real work begins next week, when actual therapy gets underway!

Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy "focuses on the principles that explain how learning takes place. Positive reinforcement is one such principle. When a behavior is followed by some sort of reward, the behavior is more likely to be repeated. Through decades of research, the field of behavior analysis has developed many techniques for increasing useful behaviors and reducing those that may cause harm or interfere with learning." (Autism Speaks, see ref. article below) From what I can gather a form of the therapy in action, for example, is they take a simple task and break it down into steps and they work on getting Jack to follow each step with positive reinforcement, adding each step one by one until the task is complete, sounds easy enough!? Well for Jack getting him to focus on one step or following directions can often be a challenge, unless of course it's something he is interested in doing. If he's "busy" forget it. As time goes on task and steps become more difficult as he learns how to perform them. And I am sure there is so much more to it, but like Jack I will learn more as we go. I have come across so many people that have nothing but amazing things to say about ABA, like how quickly they're child started to progress, how much it changed they're lives for the better and how some children similar to Jack did so well they graduated from ABA after six months and headed off to preschool or kindergarten! So I am absolutely positive we have been in the right place at the right time and catching his autism early enough, that he too will make great strides! The future looks bright now if only I could find my shades!

 Hugs from a fellow Momma Warrior

Applied Behavioral Analysis Therapy


  1. great news, keeping you in my thoughts and enjoy reading about your life. you are truly stronger than you know! kisses from afar~ xo
